Trade-offs between production and ecosystem services provided by tropical agroforestry systems
Agroforestry systems appear to be a promising model for sustainable agriculture in developing countries. Respect for the environment and diversification of production and revenues are the benefits claimed for agroforestry. However, these systems can only be exploited to the full if the production factors are better understood and better controlled.
The SAFSE project sets out to analyse the trade-offs and synergies between provisioning services (production) and the other types of ecosystem services (support, regulation) provided by agroforestry systems.
Research will be undertaken into the biophysical and socioeconomic mechanisms underlying the functioning and dynamics of agroforestry systems.
Studies will be carried out in different situations,
- in a tropical wet climate, on systems based on permanent crops (mainly cocoa and coffee),
- in an arid climate in sub-sahelian Africa on areas planted with trees and bushes allowing cereal-based crop rotations.
The project will create a framework for scientists from Cirad, IRD and their national partners in Africa, based on the research facilities already set up with partners.
- France : Cirad, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Inra, université de Bordeaux
- Bénin : Inrab, Direction générale de l'eau, université Abomey Calavi, Faculté des sciences agronomiques
- Cameroun : Irad, université de Dschang
- Costa Rica : Catie, CINPE, universidad de Costa Rica, Cita
- Kenya : University of Nairobi, CRF Nairobi, Icraf
- Nicaragua : Nitlapan ; au Niger : université Abdou Moumouni-Faculté des Sciences, université Maradi
- Sénégal : Isra
- Tanzanie : Agronomy Office (Rungwe District), IRA-University Dar es Salaam
Josiane Seghieri, Eco&Sols, IRD
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