
Madagascar EcosolsEco&Sols is hosted by the Radioisotope Laboratory (LRI) at the University of Antananarivo.

The three research themes of Eco&Sols are studied in Madagascar in various farming systems: direct drilled rice crops, agroforestry systems, etc.

The LRI has the equipment required for routine soil analyses: soil preparation, soil sample library and standard texture, organic matter, mineral N, pH and CEC analyses, using continuous flow analysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy. It also has a diffuse reflectance (mid-)infrared fourier transform spectroscope (DRIFT) and a microcatharometer for gas analysis (CO2, N2O, CH4).

The LRI also has a soil biology laboratory for extracting, observing and handling the various soil organisms: bacteria, microfauna, macrofauna.

Equipment for particle size and densitometric separation and for soil incubation to measure microbial activity is available, as well as a greenhouse for plant trials.

A 32P measurement system, approved by the International Atomic Energy Agency (AIEA), is available for isotope dilution analysis.

Research projects



Andriamananjara A., Morel C., Rabeharisoa L., Masse D. and Drevon J-J. (2015) Genotypic variation of Vigna subterranea for phosphorus availability in rhizotron experiment. Soumis à Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science

Bernard L., Chapuis-Lardy L., Razafimbelo T., Razafindrakoto M., Pablo A.L., Legname E., Poulain J., Brüls T., O’Donohue M., Brauman A., Chotte J.L. & Blanchart E. (2012) Endogeic earthworms shape bacterial functional communities and affect organic matter mineralization in a tropical soil. The ISME Journal, 6 : 213-222.

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Chapuis-Lardy L., Metay A., Martinet M., Rabenarivo M., Toucet J., Douzet J.M., Razafimbelo T., Rabeharisoa L. & Rakotoarisoa J. (2009) Nitrous oxide emissions from Malagasy agricultural soils. Geoderma 148, 421-427

Djigal D., Saj S., Rabary B., Blanchart E. & Villenave C. (2012) Mulch type affects soil biological functioning and crop yield of conservation agriculture systems in a long-term experiments in Madagascar. Soil and Tillage Research, 118 : 11-21.

Jouquet E., Blanchart E. & Capowiez Y. (2014) Utilization of earthworms and termites for the restoration of ecosystem functioning. Applied Soil Ecology, 73 : 34-40.

Razafimbelo, T., Chevallier, T., Albrecht, A., Chapuis-Lardy, L., Rakotondrasolo, F.-N., Michellon, R., Rabeharisoa, L., Bernoux, M. (2013) Texture and organic carbon contents do not impact amount of carbon protected in Malagasy soils. Scientia Agricola 70, 204-208.

Razafindrakoto M., Csuzdi Cs. & Blanchart E. (2011) New and little known giant earthworms from Madagascar (Oligochaeta : Kynotidae). African Invertebrates, 52 : 285-294.

Rafolisy T., Thuriès L., Técher P., Mouchard G., Paillat J-M. (2015) Co-compostage de boues de laiterie et de fumier de bovins à l’île de la Réunion : hygiénisation, pertes de nutriments et homogénéité du compost produit. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 19(4), 329-337.

Razakamanarivo R. H., Razafindrakoto M.A., Albrecht A. (2009) Fonction de puits de carbone des taillis d’eucalyptus à Madagascar. Accepté dans Bois et Forêts des Tropiques

Scopel E., Triomphe B., Affholder F., Macena da Silva F.A., Corbeels M., Valadares Xavier J.H., Lahmar R., Recous S., Bernoux M., Blanchart E., Mendes I.C., de Tourdonnet S. (2012) Conservation agriculture cropping systems in temperate and tropical conditions, performances and impacts. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 113-130.



Jean-Pierre Bouillet (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) CIRAD

Direction Régionale du Cirad, Ampandrianomby, BP 853, Antananarivo 101, MADAGASCAR

Tel: (+261) 20 22 406 23 ; Fax: (+261) 20 22 408 21



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