BERNARD Laetitia

Bernard LaetitiaSoil scientist

IRD Madagascar




IRD, UMR Eco&Sols, Laboratoire des RadioIsotopes, BP 3383, Route d'Andraisoro, 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar
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Téléphone : +261 (0)32 62 924 06
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Thesis in marine microbial ecology at Paris VI University at Banyuls sur Mer in 2000.
Posts held: National Research Council Canada (CNRC) Montreal (2000-2001), Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Cadarache (2001-2003), French agronomic research institute (INRA) Dijon (2004-2006). Joined the IRD (UMR Eco&sols) in 2007 in Montpellier and was posted to Madagascar in 2012.


My research concerns the study of soil microorganism functions (bacteria and fungi) for the transformation of organic matter, in interaction with the other biotic and abiotic components of the soil. It sets out to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms, organisms and determinants of the priming effect, a burst of mineralization when fresh organic matter is added.
My research aims to be able to control these processes in tropical agroecosystems and achieve a balance between nutrient recycling and carbon storage depending on the requirements of the crops and in a framework of sustainable agriculture subject to climate change.


2015 Faure D., Bonin, P., Durand R., The Microbial Ecology EC2CO consortium. 2015. Environmental microbiology as a mosaïc of explored ecosystems and issues. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5164-5.

2015 Tournier E., Amenc L., Pablo A.L., Legname E., Blanchart E., Plassard C., Robin A., Bernard L. 2015. Modification of a commercial DNA extraction kit for safe and rapid recovery of DNA and RNA simultaneously from soil, without the use of harmful solvents. Method X, 2: 182-191.

2015 Henneron L., Bernard L., Hedde M., Pelosi C., Villenave C., Chenu C., Bertrand M., Girardin C. and Blanchart E. 2014. 14 years evidence for positive effects of organic and especially conservation farming systems on soil life. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 35: 169-181.

2014 Tang X.Y. , Bernard L., Brauman A., Daufresne T., Deleporte P., Desclaux D., Souche G., Placella S.A.,  Hinsinger P. 2014. Increase in microbial biomass and phosphorus availability in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal and legumes under field conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 75: 86-93.

2014 Coulis M., Bernard L., Gérard F., Hinsinger P., Plassard C., Villeneuve M. and Blanchart E. 2014 Endogeic earthworms modify soil phosphorus, plant growth and interactions in a legume-cereal intercrop. Plant and Soil. 379 : 149-160.

2012 Bernard L., Chapuis-Lardy L., Razafimbelo T., Razafindrakoto M., Pablo A.L., Legname E., Poulain J., Brüls T., O’Donohue M., Brauman A., Chotte J.L. and Blanchart E. 2012. Endogeic earthworms shape bacterial functional communities and affect organic matter mineralization in a tropical soil. ISME Journal, 6 : 213-222.

2011 Hinsinger P., Betencourt E., Bernard L., Brauman A., Plassard C., Shen J., Tang X. and Zhang F. 2011. P for two, sharing a scarce resource – Soil phosphorus acquisition in the rhizosphere of intercropped species. Plant Physiology, 156 : 1078-1086.

2010 Chapuis-Lardy L., Brauman A., Bernard L., Pablo A.L., Toucet J., Mano M.J., Weber L., Brunet D., Razafimbelo T., Chotte J.L. and Blanchart E. 2010. Effect of the endogeic earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on the microbial structure and activity related to CO2 and N2O fluxes from a tropical soil (Madagascar). Applied Soil Ecology, 45 : 201-208.

2009 Bernard L., Maron P.A., Mougel C., Nowak V., Lévêque J., Marol C., Balesdent J., Gibiat F. and Ranjard L. 2009. Soil copper contamination affects the dynamics, diversity and activity of soil bacterial communities involved in wheat decomposition, and carbon storage. Appl. Environ. Microb., 75(23) : 7565-7569.

2007 Bernard L., Mougel C., Nowak V., Henault C., Lévêque J., Maron P.A., Haichar F.Z., Berge O., Marol C., Balesdent J. and Ranjard L. 2007. Dynamics and identification of soil microbial populations actively assimilating carbon from 13Clabelled wheat residue as estimated by DNA- and RNA-SIP techniques. Environmental Microbiology, 9 : 752-764.


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