Alain BraumanChercheur

IRD Montpellier


Head of the Joint French-South-East Asia Research and Training initiative LUSES (Land Uses and Soil Ecosystem Services) 


IRD, UMR Eco&Sols
Campus La Gaillarde Institut Agro - INRAE - Bat 12 - 1er étage
2 place Viala - 34060 Montpellier
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Tel : +33 (0)4 99 61 21 05
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1990 : Appointed as Chargé de Recherches (Junior Scientist) at ORSTOM Brazzaville (Congo).
1995 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Univ. Paris XII
1997 : Appointed at IRD Dakar (Senegal) head of LEMSAT (laboratory of Microbial Ecology of agrosystems)
2004 : Appointed as Directeur de Recherches (Senior Scientist) at UR SeqBio IRD Dakar (Senegal)
2005 : Montpellier, Head of team 1 UMR ECO&SOLS Soil Trophic Web
From 2011 to now : Head of the Joint French-South-East Asia Research and Training initiative LUSES


  • Microbial Ecologist, 35 years of experience
  • Specialist of Soil microbial Ecology, Soil Ecology, Nitrogen cycling, Tree plantations
  • Teaching: Soil Microbial Ecology (University of Montpellier 2), Head of Microbial Ecology summer courses (Dakar, 2001-2005-2001)
  • Publications : +60 papers in  internationals review, H index of 21
  • 21 book chapters- 34 oral communications – Scientific advisor of 3 scientific movies.

Short notice concerning my research

My research concerns the question "How the microbial community respond to severe environmental constraints". I studied this question in different biotopes (cassava, gut bugs, termite, cultivated systems), which have the characteristics of all beings subject to strong environmental constraints (pH gradients oxygen etc.).

The scientific interest of these biotopes was not my only criterion. Indeed, most of my studies were conducted in tropical countries (Congo, Senegal, Thailand) where these microbial habitats are ecologically important (ex: termites represent the main soil macrofauna in terms of density).

My current work within the French Research Unit Eco&Sols located in Montpellier, concerns the impact of multiple interactions (plants, macrofauna, microfauna) on the microbial community involved in the Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycle. I am currently posted in Bangkok where I lead an international joint research program on Land Uses and Ecosystems services involving 14 French researchers and 7 Asiatic research institutions (Vietnam Laos Thailand).


Brauman, A., Majeed, M.Z., Buatois, B., Robert, A., Pablo, A.L., Miambi, E. (2015) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions by Termites : Does the Feeding Guild Matter ? PLOS ONE, 10 (12)

Dieng A., Baudoin E., Thioulouse J., Brunet Didier, Toucet Joële, Sylla S. N., Brauman Alain. Soil organic matter quality, structure and activity of the denitrifiers community as influenced by decaying mulched crop residues. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2015, 13 (3), p. 655-675. ISSN 1589-1623

Majeed, M. Z., Miambi, E., Riaz, M. A., & Brauman, A. (2015). Characterization of N2O emission and associated bacterial communities from the gut of wood-feeding termite Nasutitermes voeltzkowi. Folia Microbiologica. doi:10.1007/s12223-015-0379-x

Majeed, M. Z., Miambi, E., Riaz, M. A., & Brauman, A. (2015). Characterization of N2O emission and associated bacterial communities from the gut of wood-feeding termite Nasutitermes voeltzkowi. Folia Microbiologica. doi:10.1007/s12223-015-0379-x

Jaillard B., Rapaport A., Harmand J., Brauman A., Nunan N. Community assembly effects shape the biodiversity ecosystem functioning relationships Functional Ecology (2014) doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12267

R.T. Maougal, A. Brauman, C. Plassard, J. Abadie, A. Djekoun, J.-J. Drevon, 2014 Bacterial capacities to mineralize phytate increase in the rhizosphere of nodulated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) under P deficiency, European Journal of Soil Biology, Volume 62, May–June 2014, Pages 8-14

Blaud, A., Chevallier, T., Virto, I., Pablo, A.L., Chenu, C., Brauman, A., 2014. Bacterial community structure in soil microaggregates and onparticulate organic matter fractions located outside or inside soil macroaggregates. Pedobiologia 57, 191-194.

X. Tang, L. Bernard, A. Brauman, T. Daufresne, P. Deleporte, D. Desclaux, G. Souche, S.A. Placella, P. Hinsinger. 2014 Increase in microbial biomass and phosphorus availability in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal and legumes under field conditions, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 75, 86-93

MZ Majeed, E Miambi, I Barois, R Randriamanantsoa, E Blanchart, A Brauman (2014) Contribution of white grubs (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) to N2O emissions from tropical soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 75, 37-44.

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