TrapJean Chercheure 

 Cirad Montpellier




Cirad, UMR Eco&Sols
Campus La Gaillarde Institut Agro - INRAE - Bat 12 - 1er étage
2 place Viala - 34060 Montpellier
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Soil organic matter dynamic, litter decomposition, ecology, biogeochemical cycling, ecosystem services


Research interests

I am a soil scientist, who aims since my graduation to evaluate cultural practices impacts on soil biogeochemical (C, N, P) functioning, with a specific interest for tropical soils since 2016. I especially focus on how plant diversity and residues restitution management impacts on soil organic matter dynamics.

To do so, I lean on multidisciplinary approach combining indicators of soil properties (physical, chemical and biological), soil organic matter composition and plant communities’ traits.

My goal is to propose new elements of understanding of the determinants of soil C stabilization in a wide range of tropical agroecosystems, in order to feed simple decision rules and models on suitable practices to the local context of the agroecosystem.


Abridged CV

2023 – present: Researcher at CIRAD, UMR Eco&Sols, Montpellier, France

2020-2023: Researcher at CIRAD, UPR Geco, Le Lamentin, Martinique

2019-2020: Postdoc, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2018-2019: Lecturer at UniLaSalle, Rouen, France

2016-2018: Postdoc, UMR Eco&Sols, Montpellier, France

2016: Postdoc, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil

2012-2016: PhD at INRA, UMR FARE, Reims, France

Thesis title: “Crop residues quantity and quality impacts on soil communities’structure and functioning. Application to the arable crops from Northern France”

2008-2012: Engineering school in agronomy, AgroParisTech, Paris, France


Editorial Roles

2022 – Present: Associate Chief Editor at Soil Biology and Biochemistry 

2019 – 2022: Subject Editor at Soil Biology and Biochemistry


Key publications

Complete list available on

Buchanan, S.-W., Sauvadet, M., Isaac, M.E., 2024. Decomposition of litter mixtures induces non-additive effects on soil priming across a riparian land use gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 190, 109285.

Eteckji, F.E., Tiphaine, C., Marie, S., Seguy, E., Nancy, R., Lydie, C.-L., Bertin, T., Oben, T.F., Jean-Michel, H., 2024. Dynamics of soil organic carbon pools following conversion of savannah to cocoa agroforestry systems in the Centre region of Cameroon. Geoderma Regional e00758.

Fanin, N., Mooshammer, M., Sauvadet, M., Meng, C., Alvarez, G., Bernard, L., Bertrand, I., Blagodatskaya, E., Bon, L., Fontaine, S., Niu, S., Lashermes, G., Maxwell, T.L., Weintraub, M.N., Wingate, L., Moorhead, D., Nottingham, A.T., 2022. Soil enzymes in response to climate warming: Mechanisms and feedbacks. Functional Ecology 36, 1378–1395.

Sauvadet, M., Dickinson, A.K., Somarriba, E., Phillips-Mora, W., Cerda, R.H., Martin, A.R., Isaac, M.E., 2021a. Genotype–environment interactions shape leaf functional traits of cacao in agroforests. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 41, 31.

Sauvadet, M., Trap, J., Damour, G., Plassard, C., Van den Meersche, K., Achard, R., Allinne, C., Autfray, P., Bertrand, I., Blanchart, E., Deberdt, P., Enock, S., Essobo, J.-D., Freschet, G.T., Hedde, M., de Melo Virginio Filho, E., Rabary, B., Rakotoarivelo, M., Randriamanantsoa, R., Rhino, B., Ripoche, A., Rosalie, E., Saj, S., Becquer, T., Tixier, P., Harmand, J.-M., 2021b. Agroecosystem diversification with legumes or non-legumes improves differently soil fertility according to soil type. Science of The Total Environment 795, 148934.

Sauvadet, M., Saj, S., Freschet, G.T., Essobo, J.-D., Enock, S., Becquer, T., Tixier, P., Harmand, J.-M., 2020. Cocoa agroforest multifunctionality and soil fertility explained by shade tree litter traits. Journal of Applied Ecology 57, 476–487.

Sauvadet, M., den Meersche, K.V., Allinne, C., Gay, F., de Melo Virginio Filho, E., Chauvat, M., Becquer, T., Tixier, P., Harmand, J.-M., 2019a. Shade trees have higher impact on soil nutrient availability and food web in organic than conventional coffee agroforestry. Science of The Total Environment 649, 1065–1074.

Sauvadet, M., Fanin, N., Chauvat, M., Bertrand, I., 2019b. Can the comparison of above- and below-ground litter decomposition improve our understanding of bacterial and fungal successions? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 24–27.

Sauvadet, M., Lashermes, G., Alavoine, G., Recous, S., Chauvat, M., Maron, P.-A., Bertrand, I., 2018. High carbon use efficiency and low priming effect promote soil C stabilization under reduced tillage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123, 64–73.

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