BlitzFrayet CelineIngénieure de recherche

Cirad Montpellier



Cirad, UMR Eco&Sols
Campus La Gaillarde Institut Agro - INRAE - Bat 12 
2 place Viala - 34060 Montpellier
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Téléphone : +33(0)4 99 61 23 54
Site web :


Keywords : Open Science - software policy – software repository – data repository reproducibility – FAIR – community – Gitlab – Dataverse – preservation - continuous integration – workflow development – R – Fortran – High Performance Computation – Management Plan -


After several years of experiences in the field of scientific computing applied to various domains such as planetary sciences and oil industry, I joined Cirad in 2016 as a research engineer in computing sciences.

While providing support to researchers working with the Maespa ecophysiology model, I promote at Cirad a management of research softwares allowing the reproductibility of results (in the frame of Open Science) based on Gitlab software repository.

Since May 2023, I am involved in AÏDA research unit for the implementation of the PERSYST modelling platform.

My current activites focus on three axis :

1 – Cirad software repository project management (

  • Initiation of a pre-project working group for ressources demand
  • Coordination of the project tasks and comities management
  • Policy of the software projects in the repository
  • Oganization and set up of trainings
  • Set up of a Cirad software community and management of a support network in research units

2 – Animator of the Open Science service for Eco&Sols unit

  • Promoting FAIR principles applied to data and softwares
  • Support to dataset publications in Cirad, INRAE and IRD Dataverse platforms
  • Dataset review before publishing (metadata, licensing, etc .)

3 – Management and developement of the Maespa ecophysiology model (

  • Management of the software project Maespa ( and its website
  • Policy of a developement workflow, CI/CD tests and deployment
  • Developement of vizualisation scripts with R markdown
  • Time and memory optimization, porting on HPC platforms
  • Add of scientific features


  • 2023 – Co-organization of the workshop « Pratiques autour des logiciels de recherche et des forges logicielles » - Cirad, 8th june 2023


2022 – Invited member of the Working Group « GT2 - Outils et bonnes pratiques techniques et sociales » of the Collège codes sources et logiciels du comité pour la Science Ouverte

2018-2021 – member of the council of Eco&Sols research unit

Since 2019 – Member of the Research Data Alliance

Since 2019 – Animator of the Open Science service at Eco&Sols research unit

Since 2020 – member of the quality service at Eco&Sols research unit


Students supervision

  • Supervision of Cheikh Diop Master 2 (2021) « Time optimization and set up of tests in Maespa model using Gitlab CI/CD »
  • Support for co-supervision of Sidy Sow PhD thesis (ongoing) « Modélisation des services écosystémiques des systèmes agroforestiers d’Afrique de l’ouest »
  • Support for co-supervision of Fredi Agbohessou PhD thesis (ongoing) « Modélisation du bilan de gaz à effet de serre des systèmes agro-sylvo-pastoraux du sahel : de la parcelle au paysage »


09/2016 – up to now – research engineer at Cirad, Eco&Sols joint research unit (CIRAD-INRA-IRD-SupAgro) and Aïda CIRAD unit.

01/2016 – 08/2016 research engineer at INRA (UMR System) : modelling effects of latitude on irradiance of agroforestry systems using Hi-sAFe model and implementation of Hi-sAFe on Linux and Mac operating systems.

2015-2016 research engineer at ADERA (UMR IPREM) : development of an analytical model of the potassium ferrates synthesis and optimization of a Delphi control program to improve the moves of an ablation laser

2014-2015 - research engineer at INRA in collaboration with Syngenta (UMR Eco&Sols) : hard coupling between the Fortran reactive transport model MIN3P and the C++ root architecture model ArchiSimple

2012-2014 - research engineer at CNRS (Géosciences Montpellier) : MPI parallelization of a sequential program of particules transport in a porous media

2011-2012 - research engineer at the HPC platform CINES : user support on Jade supercomputer and training management

2009-2011 - postdoc at INRIA in collaboration with TOTAL S.A. : wave propagation simulations and 3D meshing of oil reservoirs (SPECFEM3D HPC program)

2009-2010 - engineer at University of Colorado Boulder : wave propagation simulations and 3D meshing of asteroid Dydimos (SPECFEM3 HPC program)

2005-2009 - PhD thesis in planetary seismology at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour « Modélisation de la propagation des ondes sismiques et des éjecta dans les astéroïdes : application à l’érosion des cratères de l’astéroïde 433 Eros » (supervised by P. Lognonné and D. Komatitsch)


PhD «Seismic waves and ejecta coverage modeling in asteroids : application to the asteroid 433 Eros» (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)

M.S. in Earth and planetary sciences (University Paul Sabatier Toulouse and University of Nice)



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